Southeastern Mills – Batters and Breading Chart

Southeastern Mills –

Batters and Breading Chart

Services Provided

Graphic design, Infographic, Printed collateral, Digital design

Click on image to interact!

Discover the Problem

The client needed a visual aid to aid to explain to customers about the unlimited options that their coating system offered.

Define a Successful Outcome

Product demonstration is important for companies that desire to show their customers all that a product has to offer before they purchase it. Southeastern Mills desired an animated way to demonstrate how various items can use their products.

Create Options

Southeastern Mills is a fourth-generation food company that offers a wide range of ingredient solutions for food processors, foodservice companies, and consumers. They came to us to create a chart that guides their customers in a step-by-step process on how various items can be coated using their breading and batter systems. After doing in-depth research on how foods can be breaded and battered, we created a rough draft of the process. We planned out and sketched where each step was to ensure that we don’t miss anything and found a way to demonstrate a connection with each category. We then worked with our designer to explore creative options on how to best show it creatively. We had drafted options that were print, animation, and interactive which we then presented to the client who chose the interactive chart.

Activate Results

After our client chose to display the unlimited options that their coating systems offer in an interactive chart, we got to work. After trying a few different designs, we nailed one down and created both a digital interactive version and a print one as well. The print version was sent to customers via mail and email, and the digital interactive version was made available on the Southeastern Mills website and blog.